二、添加adoconnection,adoquery,使用以下连接字符串adoconnection的属性ConnectionString填入以下所需要的连接情况对应字符串,在软件发布时,把mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.8-win32.msi安装程序一起附带着,先安装驱动,即可正常使用。 Local database
Driver= {MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; Server= localhost; Database= myDataBase; User= myUsername; Password= myPassword; Option= 3;
Remote database
Driver= {MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; Server= myServerAddress; Database= myDataBase; User= myUsername; Password= myPassword; Option= 3;
Specifying TCP/IP port
Driver= {MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; Server= myServerAddress; Port= 3306; Database= myDataBase; User= myUsername; Password= myPassword; Option= 3;
Specifying character set
Driver= {MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; Server= myServerAddress; charset= UTF8; Database= myDataBase; User= myUsername; Password= myPassword; Option= 3;
Specifying socket
This one specifies the Unix socket file or Windows named pipe to connect to. Used only for local client connections.
Driver= {MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; Server= myServerAddress; Database= myDataBase; User= myUsername; Password= myPassword; Socket= MySQL; Option= 3;
On Windows, the socket variable is the name of the named pipe that is used for local client connections. The default value is MySQL. On Unix platforms, the socket variable is the name of the socket file that is used for local client connections. The default is /tmp/mysql.sock.
Using SSL
Driver= {MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; Server= myServerAddress; Database= myDataBase; User= myUsername; Password= myPassword; sslca= c:/cacert.pem; sslcert= c:/client-cert.pem; sslkey= c:/client-key.pem; sslverify= 1; Option= 3;
SSLCA specifies the path to a file with a list of trust SSL CAs SSLCERT specifies the name of the SSL certificate file to use for establishing a secure connection. SSLKEY specifies the name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a secure connection.